Our Political Programme

A system based on inequality and exploitation is threatening the future of our planet. The Greens are the only political party in England and Wales committed to fixing this.

And this is how we are going to do it.

Traditional parties all set out their plans in the same way:

  • Section on tinkering on with the current economic system?
  • Section on spending more money on nuclear weapons than on international aid?
  • Section on how our democracy couldn’t possibly evolve any further?

We are not a traditional party.

Our policy programme is founded on ten pillars, built from policies proposed and voted on by our members. It sets out what Greens are in politics to do: to end the system that keeps hurting the environment and all of us who rely on it – and to build a better alternative.

As other parties run out of ideas, and rely on dated clichés to address the fast changing and fragile modern world, we embrace the new and relish the bold.  

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